
The Northern Quarter

27 Sep 2015

nq Street 5

Recently, the society arranged a photo shoot in the centre of Manchester. We met at Piccadily and 8 of our members ventured up Tib Street on foot, into The Northern Quarter.

nq Street art 1There we split into smaller groups and spread out around the back streets. There were various areas of interest, some very run down and showing signs of severe wear and tear, others were were very new and shiny. Some parts were streets of bars and restaurants, with a very nice friendly atmosphere.

nq Lego appartmentsThe street art was very striking, with quite large buildings painted with murals and other parts had smaller works of art that were more like mosaics.

There were several building worth a revisit in better lighting conditions. Most people were working hand held.

nq street 2 crop BWPeople who had brought tripods benefited as the light levels dropped very quickly as the sun went down and cast shadows in narrow streets.

This area is worth a visit, particularly for anyone interested in street photography.

At the end on the evening, the light finally failed and we retired to a bar for refreshments.


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