Join us!

If you are a paid-up member of the Stockport Photographic Society, you can register to use this website. Registration gives you access to information which is only available to members.

If you are trying to join the society, then please contact us. You will not be able to register to use this website until you have paid the annual fee and been given a membership number.

  • Your username can be anything of your choice, but we recommend using your first and last name to make a single word, e.g., if you are called John Smith, then your user name could be johnsmith. Don't use spaces or punctuation.
  • Your password should be at least 8 characters long and contain letters and numbers. Please avoid passwords that could be easily guessed. The longer the better.
  • You will need your membership number. This will be checked when your application is processed.

Please help us get to know you by adding information to the optional sections. This is only visible to registered members.

Required field | Information: Point mouse to icon

To complete your registration, make sure you have filled in all the required sections, then click on the Sign up button. You will then receive an e-mail. Please follow the instructions in that e-mail, or your registration will not be successful.

If you have any problems, please send an e-mail to

Join Us

Give us a try! Come along to a meeting and see what we do, before joining. See our programme, and see more about us and how to find us.
