
Annual Exhibition Competitions

07 Feb 2009

The Annual Exhibition Competition comprises both ‘Print’ and Digital Image’ sections. There is a New Members category in each of the above. The other categories common to both sections are Pictorial, Portrait, Record, Natural History, and Open. The Print section also includes a ‘Multi Image Panel’ section, open to both New Members and Advanced Workers.

Judging for the above normally takes place in February of each year, in time for the entries to be prepared for display in Stockport Art Gallery for a period of four weeks throughout late March and April. The Competition Judge will decide which entries deserve to be ‘Commended’, ‘Highly Commended’, ‘Very Highly Commended’ or the ‘Winner’.

The following awards are allocated to the winners of each section:

Print Section

New Members The J.J. Rothwell Bowl
Pictorial The Fort Trophy
Portrait The President’s Trophy
Record The Advertiser Cup
Natural History The Stockport Express Trophy
Open Eric Anderson Trophy
Multi Image Panel The Hilditch Cup

Digital Image Section

New Members The Needham Cup
Pictorial The Gladys Unwin Trophy
Portrait The Sykes Trophy
Record The SPS Trophy
Natural History The Members Trophy
Open The Jebson Trophy

Points are allocated to New Members, depending on how well their entries have done. (e.g. 5 points for winning), and, once 20 points have been accrued, the ‘New Member’ is invited to join the ‘Advanced Workers’.

The relevant trophies or cups are presented on the opening night of each year’s Annual Exhibition by the Guest Speaker.

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