"Just a few words about my own background. I began a casual interest in photography during my secondary school days. This involved a bit of abstract work, some playing with a disc camera, processing and developing film and finally graduating to a entry level SLR. (ah the days of film photograph) My interest was recently revived during a spell of volunteering work and a chance encounter with a photographic exhibition in Manchester. In the Late 2017 and beginning of 2018 having acquired some quality equipment, I became totally bitten and decided to join a local camera club. Since then I have entered several competitions and have since gained my judging accreditation and also have gained during the lock down, judging on zoom up and down the country for different federations as well as the L and CPU. So whats next I shall be aiming and working towards some photographic quals, what can I say I'm obsessed with the photographic art and willing to share my knowledge, whilst trying to help others along the way."